Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How many field mice would it take to pull a bus?

I know it's not very realistic but if you could someone how tie the mice to the bus how many do you think it would take?How many field mice would it take to pull a bus?
Assume a large mouse has a mass of 30 grams see source below. Let's assume the mouse can pull its own weight.

W = mg = (30 x 10^-2 kg)(10 N/kg) = 3 N

Now the average bus 40,000 pounds which is about 10,000 newtons

Number of large mice needed = 40,000/3 = 13,333

Now a small mouse would be half the weight so it would take twice as many.

So a good guess would be 25,000 small mice!!!!!!How many field mice would it take to pull a bus?
Assuming the mice cooperated it would depend entirely on friction.

If the bus was on a frictionless surface and the mouse on a track with good friction then 1 mouse.

Field mice are very small.

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