She is bringing in dead mice. I know its a sign she loves us but my partner can have the vermim an the house as he ill. 2 nite she brought in a live one and then ate it on floor under our bed so i shoooo her out and looked under bed there was another 3 dead I cant have this its either shop her doing it or she will have to go any ideas?How do i stop my cat bringing home mice and birds?
Short from keeping her in the house, there's nothing you can do to stop her from killing vermin, but you can stop her from bringing them in the house.
You must get rid of your kitty door. I know this sounds like a bad idea, but my cat was bringing in LIVE birds and snakes into the house and letting them loose. Once we took away his cat door, he was no longer able to do that. Try putting a collar on him with a bell to scare away her potential pray, but if she's a good hunter, she is still going to get mice and birds for her afternoon snack. The good thing is, by removing her cat door, you can control when she comes in the house. Simple enough. If she's standing outside the window with a bird in her mouth, go outside, make her drop it, then let her in the house. That's really all you can do.How do i stop my cat bringing home mice and birds?
It's a cat. It's what they do. Learn to live with it or lose the cat.
you cant its their nature unless you keep her in which is unfair but you can help prevent it by putting a bell on her collar to warn the prey off. I know its not nice but at least she is showing you she loves you :-)
there you go tony i gave you thumbs up!
You can't really stop her. It is a thing that cats do. I have two and one of mine brings mice in, either whole, headless or when he is feeling nice he brings just the insides in :-)
One thing you could do is, if you have a cat flap then maybe shut it a few times and try and break the habbit. Other than that, not alot else you can do.
I doubt it's possible to be honest. One of my cats is the same, but other is incredibly lazy...
The only way you can stop is by keeping the bedroom doors shut at all times, so she cant get in..
my cat usually just leaves them out by the front door.
I think it would be cruel to keep a cat indoors at all times, since its already used to the outdoors...
you can't as its in the cats nature to do this just think of it as a present for you from the cat
he is telling you how much he appreciate and love you
Cats are born hunters so you cannot change her instincts.
Females do most of the hunting throughout the entire cat populations from wild big cats to little domestic ones. It is not because she loves you it is because you are part of her family.
Either keep her indoors so that she cannot hunt or change her feeding times.
I feed mine pouched meat/fish in jelly at night time and dry biscuits during the day. This way I do not receive food gifts from her.
Don't get rid of your kitty as you have a true friend in her, try to pander to her by changing her habits and you will be rewarded.
You gotta keep her in the house if you want this to stop. You can't train the hunting instinct out of her.
And you're right, she's bringing you the results 'cause she loves you!
Shoot it
The best way is as suggested above, take away the cat flap (maybe replace the flap with one in the side of your shed or similar to give her somewhere dry to go when it rains though!). This way you can monitor the comings and goings and police her present giving activities. This will mean a lot mroe tooing and foring for you, but if you love your cat as much as I do this would be the option to go for, even if it did mean a bit more exercise on my part. I simply couldn't get rid of my cat, it would break my heart.
Also, the bell is a very good idea, but equally won't prevent all her trophies! She loves you and wants you to know it and be prous of her!
Keeping her in permanently if she has been and outdoor cat would simply be cruel and may leave her depressed. You might think I am mad, but cats are sensitive creatures. How would you feel if somone suddenly locked you in a house and wouldn't let you go out and have the freedom you used to?
You are so not a cat person. Give her to someone who is.
Ohhhh how often do you clean under your bed ??
Well, I know that if I were sharing a house with someone and I wanted him to stop bringing birds home I'd wait until I knew he was on the way home with his date and then I'd strip naked and lie on the couch! meant the FEATHERED kind!
Get a collar with a bell on it.
Why has an idiot given this answer a thumbs down? It works by alerting the mice and birds you knob end.
this is a natural instinct for a cat unfortunately. The only true Way to prevent such behaviour is to keep your cat as an indoor pet only. A tough one I know. I had to deal with the same issue!
Keep her in the house is the only way. thats what cat's do.
Cats are predators.
Catching livestock is natural to them.
NEVER!!!!!1 MWAHAHAHA CATS SHALL NEVER STOP!!! hehe sorry i got over excited..... =p
Short answer: you can't. But you can't get rid of her for this, either. Your best bet is to keep her inside the house. She won't like that to start with, but she'll adjust, after much yowling and scratching at the door. If that's not possible, you'll have to monitor her ins and outs, and not allow her to bring dead mice inside with her. Remember, she's showing off to you by doing something she is naturally good at. Don't punish her for doing it. She won't understand the punishment and won't stop killing the mice. It is possible to train her, perhaps with a spray bottle of water, not to come in the house with mice in her mouth, but I've never had this problem (all my cats are indoors), so I can't say for certain what will and won't work.
There really isnt anything to do about er bringing in mice. The most you can do until your partner gets better (if its not a chronic illness) is keep your cat inside. Make sure she has plenty to play with. I might recommend that you get one of those vibrating mice toys for her, or some type of remote control toy she might chase around.
get rid of the cat! i would not let one in my home.
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