Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How would you go about getting rid of mice?

We used to have cats and we don't anymore. We had to get rid of them because of my nephew's health problem. However, my nephew is no longer a part of my household and without the cats, mice began creeping into this apartment. And they won't leave. We've tried sticky/glue traps, poison pellets, and snap traps. We cannot afford another cat and every night I hear the rodents scratching inside the walls. And an exterminator is supposed to come once a month, but they don't.

Help?How would you go about getting rid of mice?
You indicated that when you had cats there were no problems. Get another cat now that your nephew is no longer involved. Now think about it for a minute, you say you can't afford another cat, but how much money are you going to spend on all these other items trying to get rid of the mice. You go to the pound and get yourself an older cat or country cat, that knows how to take care of mice, your food bill won't be that high with the cat taking care of the mice. You said an exterminator is suppose to come to your apartment once a month, but hasn't, you have many ways if you still can't have a cat and that is the report the problem to the owner of the apartment building, call the health department in your area about the problem. It really doesn't matter how much or little you pay in rent, your health is involve with these mice running around your apartment.How would you go about getting rid of mice?
Use D-con. Works greats and the mice do not smell when they are dead.
I have found snap-shut traps baited with chocolate spread or peanut butter to be infallible, place them facing a wall in the area you know the mice are visiting, always deploy several traps, and refresh the bait at least once a fortnight. If your property is prone to mice, doing this just needs to be part of life there.
Get a pair of night vission goggles and a BB gun. Its open season!!
See if you can find how they are getting in and close it off. In my case it was my garage doggy door. They are a pain.
Get a cat again

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