carefresh is a good bedding but if it seems too dusty then get carefresh ultra instead the aspen is bad the wood contains oils and odors that can make them sick you can also try soft sorbent but i've never heard of carefresh causing breathing problems its the wood chips that doWhat is the best bedding to use with little mice?
I use Carefresh ultra myself and I'm thinking of switching to aspen because the carefresh is way too dusty!!! I've had mice and they have all been allergic to the carefresh because of the dust. Hopefully the aspen will be better. I'm currently raising guinea pigs, gerbils and mice.
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DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT use tissue or newspaper. THe chemicals can kill your mice.
carefresh (the gray stuff) is great. Also use old toilet paper rolls for tubes and tunnels and for them to gnaw on. Just make sure all the tissue remnants and glue remnants are off. You can use boxes too, just take tear the lids off if it has glue on it.
carefresh does NOT cause breathing problems i have no clue where you heard that. its a lie. i use for all my animals and none of them have any breathing problem.
carefresh doesnt cause breathing problems, so dont worry, and keep using it :)
PS: i would recomend usin Carefresh ULTRA or carefresh COLORS, its softer :)
you don't always have to buy bedding . :] you can shred lots of soft tissues and use that as bedding :] easier and cheaper (y)
It should be fine,
we ALWAYS used the carefresh w/ our rats,
and nothing ever went wrong with them.
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