Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of mice in my garage without killing them?

I've heard of peppermint oil, predator pee, used kitty litter, ultrasonic transmitters, etc. Do any of these alternatives really work?What is the best way to get rid of mice in my garage without killing them?
have a transmiter ok after 3 yearsWhat is the best way to get rid of mice in my garage without killing them?
Glue traps are the best method to trap rats and mice.

I found detailed information at
pour a little bleach on the bags befor u put them in the can.
I have heard of peppermint oil, but, I would not put any kind of urine down... you can buy live traps, to catch them and let them go somewhere else... Walmart, Hardware stores, or you can close a cat up in the garage with a litter pan for a few days... you won't have to see them die and the cat will love the snacks...

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