Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of mice?

It will have to be non-toxic as I have kids. I have already tried traps and they are just ignored by the rodents.What is the best way to get rid of mice?
mice are real tricky! Took me 3 nights straight to catch mine, cause he could eat the treats right out of the snap trap without setting it off!

How about getting a cat?What is the best way to get rid of mice?
A friend of mine has a cabin in Maine, and every year they go up it's infested with mice. What her family has done with great success is this:

They put a ton of peanut butter in the bottom of a tall vase, with a plank of wood leading ramplike to the top of the vase. The mice are attracted to the peanut butter and walk up to the ramp before falling down into the vase. They can't get out, and when my friends look in the next morning, there are always a bunch of mice with peanut butter all over their whiskers, peering out as cute as they can be. My friends then take the vase with the mice in it, drive it far away, and dump the mice somewhere in the woods.

Try it out! If it works, you should get some adorable pictures of mice, as well as ridding yourself of them. I'm a big fan of this, because, unlike snap traps or glue traps, it's completely harmless. As long as your kids don't eat the peanut butter!
Glue traps, just put them where the kids can't step on them
Try oil of peppermint. You can find it in health food stores or specialty stores. Place a cotton ball with a drop of oil of peppermint on it along walls where mice like to run
A professional's help.

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